Why do I need Oven Cleaning Insurance?
Do you offer Oven Cleaning Services to your clients? If so, its important to have covers in place to protect you and your cleaning...
Why do you need Window Cleaning insurance?
Window cleaners operate in a variety of ways. There are a range of different window cleaning methods to suit the specific job that is...
Domestic Cleaning Insurance
GLEAMING INSURANCE are specialist insurance brokers to the domestic cleaning industry and can provide your business with the level of specia
Window Cleaning Insurance
GLEAMING INSURANCE are specialist insurance brokers to the window cleaning industry and can provide your business with the level of speciali
Specialist Liability for Cleaners
Our specialist policy can provide:
"Damage to Property Worked On" - with just a £150 excess
"Treatment Risks" - again with just a £150 ex
Fogging Cleaning Insurance
GLEAMING INSURANCE are specialist insurance brokers to the fogging cleaning industry and can provide your business with the level of special
Shrinking Carpets!
When you apply a chemical or solution to a carpet, you will always run the risk of that carpet either shrinking or becoming discoloured....