Our Insurer
We have partnered with Hiscox Insurance to provide a specialist insurance policy that is written for cleaning businesses throughout the UK.
In addition to providing a market-leading insurance policy wording and interest-free direct debits, they also have an excellent award-winning claims service. There is a very good reason that we have worked with them since we began and that partnership gets stronger by the day.
Hiscox as a group is headquartered in Bermuda and is an international specialist insurer, underwriting a diverse range of personal and commercial insurance risks.
They also provide extensive business insurance, finely tailored to the needs of over 150,000 SMEs, professionals, and consultants in the UK.
Hiscox London Market underwrites international businesses, via the Lloyd’s insurance market, and specialist retail businesses from around the world.
Their expertise and specialism extend as far as insuring inter-planetary probes and observation satellites.
Claims promise
At the heart of the Hiscox business is its superior claims service. Their UK-based team of claims handlers are experts in their field, empowered to make decisions, and committed to working in the best interests of their customers.